Vægtløs - Ingenting kan forhindre, at små struber skælver en forårsnat (Official Video)
Translated to “Nothing can prevent small voices trembling on a night of spring“
“Ingenting kan forhindre...“ is the first single from Vægtløs’ debut-12“ “Aftryk”, released on 46 different labels. List of labels below.
Video by Jon Gotlev - NO HEROES /
Frederik Højlund: guitars
Jeppe Nørgaard: bass
Tobias Aske Heltborg: drums, backing vocals
Troels H. Sørensen: vocals
Recorded: Vægtløs
Engineered: Rasmus Glassau Clausen and Vægtløs
Mixed and mastered: Jacob Bredahl
Poem read by Thomas Burø
Facebook: / vaegtloes Instagram: / vaegtlos Bandcamp:
Nothing can prevent small throats from shaking on a night of spring
Troels’ sister in law was diagnosed with cancer for the second time in 2019 and this song was originally intended to be a get-better rally call, but as her life was tragically taken away, the song took a new direction: this song is for her young daughter. Life is beautiful, and that is why it hurts, and we need to take that into account, when life shows its darkest face. Let every memory of people we love remain forever.
Overstået vinterdvale, sovende blomster vågner
“Ingenting kan forhindre at små struber skælver en forårsnat”
Vær vægtløs
Og lad os forblive
Overstået vinterdvale, sovende blomster vågner
Sitrende sind kan forstå, det kræver mod at gå de danske vintre i møde
“Ingenting kan forhindre at små struber skælver en forårsnat”
Rids vores navne ind i træerne
Vær en lavine der buldrer og genopretter
Lad intet være øde efter dønningen
Vær en ebbe der giver liv efter vi er væk
Skriv vores navne ind i den våde cement
Og vær den første lyd et ufødt barn hører i sin mors mave
Overstået vinterdvale, sovende blomster vågner
Sitrende sind kan forstå det kræver mod at gå de danske vintre i møde
“Ingenting kan forhindre at små struber skælver en forårsnat”
Abekeit Records: - Germany
Angry Music Records: - Denmark
AutoestimaDIY: - Spain
Coups De Couteau: - France
Dead Red Queen Records: - USA
Deadlamb Records: - Ireland
Dingleberry: dingleberry@ - Germany
DIY Kolo Records: - Poland
Entes anomicos: - Peru
Fiadh Productions: - USA
Flames Don’t Judge: - Italy
Fresh Outbreak Records: - Italy
Geenger Records: - Croatia
Grazil Records: - Austria
Ingot – Andrejco Recods: - Slovakia
Kvlt & Kaos Productions: - Austria
Make That a Take Records: - Scotland
Mevzu Records: - Turkey
Nasty Cut Records: - Denmark/Greece
No Heroes: - Germany
Nothing to Harvest Records: - Greece
Onism Productions: - UK
. Records: - Belgium
Pasidaryk Pats Records: - Latvia
Quebranta Records: - Spain
Rest of Noise: - Slovakia
Ripcord Records: - Scotland
RipRoaringShitStorm Records: - UK
Salto Mortale Music: - Slovakia
See You Next Summer: - Sweden
Seitan’s Hell Bike Punks: - France
Silent Pendulum: - USA
Starved Light: - Australia/Tasmania
Syrup Moose: - Canada
Time As A Color: - Germany
TNS Records: - UK
Up the Punx! Records: - Poland
Virkelighedsfjern: - Denmark
Vita Detestabilis Records: - Spain
Voice of the Unheard Records: - France
5FeetUnder Records: - Denmark
Tape edition:
Liminal Dread: - USA
Mevzu Records: - Turkey
Nasty Cut Records: - Denmark/Greece
Three Moons: - Poland
We¨re Gnome Records: - USA
CD edition:
Remparts: - France
These Hands Melt: – Italy
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