Operation Claw-Lock will continue indefinitely because for the Turkish state, the presence of the PKK near the border is a probl

Operation Claw-Lock will continue indefinitely because for the Turkish state, the presence of the PKK near the border is a problem for its national security, hence it intends to expand the buffer zone in Iraq indefinitely. This operation has recently resulted in the death of five Turkish soldiers and 12 wounded and was responded with bombing raids on guerrilla positions. The response has not only been underwritten in Iraqi territory but has expanded into Syrian territory where attempts by the YPG to infiltrate the front line have been repelled. Despite what is mentioned on some (intentionally alarmist) channels, a ground operation in Syria is not yet envisaged due to the current international situation, which maintains an unstable balance in Syria with no prospect of it being unblocked in the near future. The only viable option will be the continuation (and even intensification) of Turkish bombing on Syrian soil. 🇹🇷🇸🇾 Источник: Suriyakmaps
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