Walking on Paulista Avenue During a Protest 🇧🇷 | São Paulo, Brazil |【4K】2021

Avenida Paulista filled to capacity during a protest against the federal government. People took to the streets criticizing the president for the 500,000 deaths from the coronavirus. The protesters called for more vaccines against the coronavirus, the return of emergency aid worth R$600, changes in environmental policy and the impeachment of President Bolsonaro. The protests took place simultaneously in 25 Brazilian capitals and the federal district. Among the capitals are Aracaju (SE), Belém (PA), Belo Horizonte (MG), Boa Vista (RR), Brasília (DF), Campo Grande (MS), Curitiba (PR), Fortaleza... (CE), Goiânia (GO) ), João Pessoa (PB), Macapá (AP), Maceió (AL), Manaus (AM), Natal (RN), Palmas (TO), Porto Alegre (RS), Porto Velho (RO), Recife (PE), Rio Branco (AC) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Salvador (BA), São Luís (MA), São Paulo (SP), Teresina (PI) and Vitória (ES). Inland cities also registered demonstrations. Florianópolis was the only c
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