Creator’s File_#1 SUDA51: Episode 2 “Investigating The Silver Case“ / “シルバー事件徹底解剖“

[EN Subtitle Ver.] Welcome to “Creator’s File“ - our original documentary series following various members of the Grasshopper Manufacture development staff. Episode 2, our second full installment, once again features GhM CEO and game designer Goichi Suda (Suda51) as he and GhM Community Manager Grasshopper James go through some of the plethora of questions we received regarding GhM’s first title, The Silver Case, and its sequel, The 25th Ward. Stay tuned for more upcoming episodes! ============================================ [英語字幕あり] グラスホッパー・マニファクチュアの開発スタッフに迫るオリジナルドキュメンタリーシリーズ “Creator’s File“。
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