[ENG SUB] INTO1 Big Bang The Coming One 5 Interview 210913 (Big磅来了明日创作计划专访)

We are #INTO1Subs! We’ve translated INTO1’s Big Bang interview at The Coming One 5. 我們是INTO1Subs! 我们翻译了Big磅来了明日创作计划专访! 请继续支持INTO1和关注我们 Please continue to support INTO1 and subscribe to this channel for more translated INTO1 content. Join our team! For translators, near-full Chinese and full English fluency is preferred; for timers, moderate-full Chinese and full English fluency is preferred. No experience is needed, but we will ask you to do a short test to ensure necessary proficiency, and to ensure you are a good fit. If interested, you can find us at the INTO1 discord server, dm us on twitter (@into1subs) or email us at into1subs@ Join the INTO1 discord! Twitter: Email into1subs@gma
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