Vídeo de Jonathan Young | Джонатан Янг

Jonathan’s video!!: CHECK OUT MY MUSIC CHANNEL: SUBSCRIBE: PATREON: MERCH: Y’all DID NOT STOP requesting this. So thank you for introducing me to Hunchback and this song! And make sure you go check out my friend Jonathan Young!! Follow me on: Twitter @missmalindakat Facebook Instagram @missmalindakat Snapchat @missmalindak Vine jonathan young sucks (he told me to write that xD) ►Twitter - (@jonathanymusic) ►Insta - (@jonathanymusic) ►Facebook - ►CONTACT - jonathanyoungmusic@ ►Jonathan Young CDs and T-shirts: ►Support Jonathan Young on Patreon: **EQUIPMENT** (all links are affiliate links, so if you buy from here you support me too!) AUDIO For singing: For vlogging: A great start mic: Interface: VIDEO Camera: Lens: Vlog camera: I use Logic and Final Cut Pro to edit audio and video respectively :) Orchestration and Additional Music - Dylan C. Myers Translators: Majestic Unicorn, Pavel Herinek, GT Walker, Christy Parks, Perception Productions, Ariana Bardell, Jessica Ficker, ladycatsinger, weeping cupcake Fish, Ryuzaki Ryuga (Rachel) Lisa, Rachel Gaston, DarkMasterofCupcakes, Jessica Källberg, Matthew Sharp, Katrin Baumgarten, Natalie Johnson, Phoenix77
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