Ask a Homestuck at Katsucon 2012 Part 1

A panel in which we cosplay and answer questions as the main cast of Homestuck. Panelists (Tumblr Users): John Egbert - burrenbari Rose Lalonde - syringe Dave Strider - lindzar Jade Harley - galaxy-hearts Aradia Medigo - relissoawesome Tavros Nitram - mohawkdandy Sollux Captor - friendleaderp Karkat Vantas - derpderpmotherfuckers Nepeta Leijon - redfruitwhiteseeds Kanaya Maryam - ktjayne Terezi Pyrope - cancerously Vriska Serket - boxed-hobo Equius Zahhak - buttpilgrim Gamzee Makara - terminallyxsadistic Eridan Ampora - everyonesahero Feferi Peixes - br8kspider With a spe...cial thanks to kaitcryingalonewithfictionalcats - for taking my Flip camera and recording this Saingirl101 - for being our photographer for the panel and getting the last 10 minutes of the panel when my battery ran low.
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