Female sex hormones, brain function, and mental health: how sex hormones shape our brain

How and why do sex hormones shape our brains? Why do some of us tolerate sex hormone transitions well, while others become depressed? Do hormonal contraceptives matter for risk and resilience towards depression? If not becoming depressed from the pill, how then may the pill affect brain function and behaviour? Do female sex hormones matter in the male brain? Can we prevent depressive episodes related to hormonal transitions? The idea that women, per nature, are at higher risk for developing depression is provocative for many good reasons. Nevertheless, intriguingly, sex hormone transitions may trigger depressive episodes in certain sensitive women. We start to understand why. At the same time sex hormone changes across puberty and pregnancy appear to rebuild our brains in important and adaptive ways, e.g. help prepare our brains for motherhood. Thus, sex hormone dynamics are very important in an evolutionary perspective and for mental health. How do we navigate through potential exogenous
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