Royalty attends the Festival of London (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI and the Queen Mother tour the Festival of London on the South Bank of the River Thames with Princess Margaret, Queen Mary, and Sir Winston Churchill Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Royal tour of South Bank ENGLAND: London: South Bank: EXT CHURCHILL WINSTON MP. Greeted by King and Queen with Attlee at entrance Festival with Royal Party ascends on escalator to top of Dome of Discovery EDINBURGH DUKE OF. Tours the Festival Site with exhibits.. shots coming down escalator in group ELIZABETH PRINCESS With Philips, tours the Festival Site.. shots coming down escalator in group QUEEN ELIZABETH. Greet Churchill and Attleeat Festival site agian with King and and admire exhibits Leave few words with Morris on FESTIVAL OF BRITAIN SITE. Opening by King and At
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