BEST COMPILATION of BAD (and CRASH) RC LANDINGS #2 If you fly RC a lot it’s inevitable. Even the best pilots have a bad day once in a while. Could be your engine cuts mid-flight, or your retractable landing gear won’t deploy or a gust of wind catches you out. These are skilled pilots. They just had a bad day at the office. Filmed at various RC shows around the UK by Dom Mitchell using the Panasonic AG-UX180 Pro 4K camcorder. RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR FIRST RC TRAINER PLANE: RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR FIRST RC JET: RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR FIRST VTOL: RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR FIRST HELI : Don’t forget to subscribe for regular ’Essential RC’ action using this link News, Reviews and Regular FREE Giveaways at If you enjoy Essential RC then please consider contributing to the improvem
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