King Tone Guitar Blues Power Facelift Review

The new version is intentionally not called V2, as the main circuit and its key components have been preserved. However, in the facelift Blues Power, Jesse Davey not only corrected the main drawback of the original, that being the large size that occupies valuable space on the pedalboard, but also introduced a completely new pedal design and made three new features, each of which we will discuss in detail further... Content: 00:00 - Welcome and intro video 00:24 - Introduction 01:40 - Signal chain description 02:14 - Gain Range 03:35 - Control panel 04:47 - Glass, Warm, Edge... 05:45 - New Features 06:23 - Deep-switches 07:22 - Power System 07:40 - Stacking BP with Dirt Boxes 09:53 - Cream de la Cream Timmy Teaser 11:37 - Conclusion #bluespower #kingtone #overdrive #timmy
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