“The Cossack Song“ - The Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1975)
“The Cossack Song“ (original name “Oh, the dashing Cossack missed his home“) is a military Cossack song performed by the Alexandrov Red Army Choir. The song was written in 1935.
Music by Ivan Dzerzhinsky, lyrics by Alexander Churkin.
This is a clip from the musical movie “When soldiers sing“ about Boris Alexandrov and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir, 1975.
This video was improved and remastered.
Cossack regiments rode the steppe from the Don,
Only one Cossack bowed his head.
Oh, the dashing Cossack missed his home
He dropped the reins on the horse’s mane.
Oh, his curls fluttered in the wind.
He was tormented by thoughts about his home.
Ah, he looked into the blue steppe distance,
But nothing was visible in that distance.
The Cossack shook his forelock head
He told his comrades longingly:
“Oh, my young heart hurts,
Oh, my brothers, I want to go home so much!“
Let the road move fast
Let it dispel the cossack’s thoughts and longing.
Oh, he reared a dashing horse
And his sharp saber whistled on a gallop.
And the regiments rode across the steppe
With a loud glory and sang like nightingales.
Our dear native countryside,
Accept a bow from the Red Horsemen!
“Казачья песня“
Шли по степи полки казачьи с Дону,
Один казак лишь голову склонил.
Ой, заскучал один казак по дому
Коню на гриву повод уронил.
Эх, разлетались кудри врассыпную.
О доме думка мучила его.
Эх,в даль глядел он синюю степную,
А в той дали не видно ничего.
Тряхнул казак чубатой головою
Сказал своим товарищам с тоской:
“Эх, изболелось сердце молодое,
Ой, как мне братцы, хочется домой“
Лети скорей дороженька-дорога,
Развей казачью думу и тоску.
Эх, на дыбы поднял коня лихого
И свистнул саблей острой на скаку.
А по степи полки со славой громкой
Все шли и шли спевая соловьем.
Ковыльная, родимая сторонка,
Прими от красных конников поклон.
This is official videochannel of the Russian operatic singer Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov (bass-baritone). Please, see “About“ section for more info.
Official web site of the artist:
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#RedArmyChoir #AlexandrovEnsemble #cossacksongs #militarysongs
Please watch: ““Here’s the Postal Troika Rushing“ - Leonid Kharitonov (1987)“
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