The Life and Work of St. Nicholas of Japan

#orthodoxsaints Life of Saint Nicolas of Japan (1836 -1912). St. Nicolas is known as the Enlightener of Japan, and Equal to the Apostles. After being ordained a priest in Russia, he emigrated to Japan and worked as a young priest at the Russian consulate in Hokodate, Japan. Initially, he had to face the xenophobia and persecution of the Shogunate, but remained faithful in spreading the Gospel. Eventually, as the bishop of the nascent Church in Japan he oversaw a thriving indigenous Orthodox community of more than 4000 converts including a large number of Japanese priests and deacons. He is recognized as a model missionary because he fully immersed himself in Japanese life and learned the language, religion, customs and culture of Japan in his effort to get close to the people. He also translated many scriptural, liturgical, and theological texts into Japanese. His memory is celebrated on February 3 or February 16 (old calendar). If you enjoy our videos, please consider supporting our efforts on Patreon. With
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