Distance of 384,000 km from the earth, Korean astronaut is left stranded alone on the Moon 👨🚀
Starring: SUL Kyung Gu, DOH Kyung Soo, KIM Hee Ae, PARK Byung Eun, CHO Han Cheul, CHOI Byung Mo, HONG Seung Hee
Directed By: KIM Yong Hwa
Synopsis: In 2029, South Korea’s lunar exploration spacecraft Woori-ho embarks on a journey towards the Moon. The whole world pays attention to this great challenge, but a solar flare erupts, causing a solar wind to engulf the spacecraft, leaving only the crew member Hwang Sun-woo (DOH Kyung Soo) stranded alone.
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1 month ago 00:04:42 7
Boris Brejcha - To The Moon And Back LIVE @ Twierdza Modlin (Unofficial Video) [4K].mp4