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[NO GENDER] - 5 ANS x SUBVERTED BERLIN / Sans Contrefaçon
This remix of Mylène Farmer’s famous hit by Angel Karel is a great gift to celebrate the 5 years of his collective during the next [NO GENDER].
The other gift is that it is in free download for your ears on the Soundcloud Techno Wereld & NO GENDER Records.
[NO GENDER] : activist event preaching sexual liberation, gathering freedom souls looking for an alternative experience in a safe area invaded by a dark techno music, where every sense is sharpened by all possibilities of the night.
Mastered by 81Mastering
Cover by ©ChatardChatard
Clip by & Borderleene
Release date NO GENDER Records
Artist: Mylène Farmer
Remix : Angel Karel
Publication Title: Mylène Farmer - Sans Contrefaçon, Karel est un Garçon (Angel Karel NO GENDER 2022) [FREE DL]
Label: NO GENDER Records
Catalog No.: NG002
Publication date bandcamp:
Bandcamp :
Social media links (Artist; Soundcloud, Insta, Facebook, Bandcamp):
Social media links (Label; Soundcloud, Insta, Facebook, Bandcamp):