Ivar, sadistic, violent, cunning, strategist and INTELLENT, is the youngest son of the most famous Viking in history, and will try to follow in his footsteps. But he has a disability in his legs that will prevent him from leading a normal life. For them he will be nicknamed Ivar The Boneless.
Ivar, sádico, violento, astuto, estratega e INTELENTE, es el hijo más chico del Vikingo más famoso de la historia, e intentará seguir sus pasos. Pero cuenta con una discapacidad en las piernas que le impedirá tener una vida normal. Por ellos se le apodará Ivar El Deshuesado.
Canción - In The End:
Editor. YouCut - PoerDirector
Edición: NicolasProductions
1 month ago 03:39:47 1
15 Little Known Battles In Native American History | FULL DOCUMENTARY
3 months ago 00:01:17 1
VIKINGS S05E03 - Ivar scene “ You Can’t Kill me, i am Ivar The Boneless “