Russian Nature. Behind the Scenes of The Volga Delta

This avian paradise didn’t happen all at once. Over the last several thousand years, the Caspian Sea’s level changed. The sea receded and the river brought so much water that the riverbed couldn’t absorb it all. The Water started to fill the hollows and spread out into numerous streams and brooks. So, thanks to the life-giving Caspian, a vital oasis appeared amid the dry steppes and sandy dunes. Here, nature made something unique. In this vast area she orchestrated a grand performance – and every creature plays a part. Each year a grand performance amid nature’s scenery happens on the Volga delta. It has terrific actors and elaborate plots. Here, every role is a starring one. Everything is interconnected and proceeds according to the majestic will of an invisible director. Entrance to this performance is free. But the backstage passes are only there for those who are ready to listen and follow this grand design: those who can feel, understand and help save the living world around us.
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