[코바늘]포도송이 뜨기(포도알 쉽게 연결하는 방법) crochet grape

Hi, everyone. I’m Kongzi. Welcome to my factory! I take a video that anyone could understand it without subtitles. If you see my hand movements & pattern or number, I think you can do enough. And, please get back to me if you have any question. Thank you! ■Index 재료소개 02:50 포도알 뜨기 03:30 잎사귀 뜨기 15:30 포도알 연결하기 30:30 넝쿨뜨기 41:40 ♣과일시리즈 사과 포도 체리 파인애플 납작수박 반통수박 조각수박 &#
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