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Sign ’SATRA Sample Inspection Service - a critical appraisal of sample shoes either on a complete range at the factory or on smaller quantities at SATRA’. Elderly man wearing glasses and lady leaning over a table. Work in progress man looking through microscope? at shoe. CU man’s face, wearing black rimmed glasses. Lady making notes after pulling at the front of a shoe using a mechanical device with a gauge at the top. Wooden mould of shoe in turning device which produces a pencil sketch on a piece of paper of depth of shoe. ’Design and Pattern Cutting’ collage / display on the wall. Lady on table walks up and down in white heeled shoes, with pink uppers. A man extracts information relevant to this from a machine. ’Oscillograph 3006/DL’ information printing off. CU lady’s feet walking with tube / wire attached. Man with moustache watches and operates the Oscillograph. A hammering device is operated to hammer into the bottom of the heel of a shoe. ’Joule’ on it. CU of