Typescript Functions | Basics Tutorial for Beginners

In this Typescript Functions | Basics Tutorial for Beginners you will learn about TS Functions, parameters and return types along with optional params, default param values, type guards, type aliases and more. 🚀 Become a full-stack web dev with Zero To Mastery Courses: - The Complete Web Developer: - Master the Coding Interview: - Junior to Senior Dev Roadmap: 🚩 Subscribe ➜ 📬 Course Updates ➜ ❓ Questions - Please post them to my Discord ➜ ☕ Buy Me A Coffee ➜ 👇 Follow Me On Social Media: Github: Twitter: LinkedIn: 🔗 All Resources for this Typescript Course: 🔗 Playlist for this Typescript Course: Typescript Functions | Basics Tutorial for Beginners (00:00) Intro (00:05) Welcome (00:17) Type Aliases (03:11) Literal Types (06:07) Basic Functions (07:29) Functions with no return value (10:40) The function keyword (11:58) Function Type Aliases (14:06) Function Interface (15:28) Optional Parameters (18:10) Default Parameters (21:39) Function with Rest Params (25:21) The never type (27:54) Using the never type (30:25) Custom Type Guard 📚 Suggested Pre-requisites for this Typescript course: 🔗JavaScript for Beginners full course: 📚 Tutorial References: 🔗 Typescript Official Website: 🔗 Anders Hejlsberg, Creator of Typescript and C# Interview: 🔗 Stackoverflow Survey Results: #technology-most-popular-technologies 🔗 MDN - Static Typing: 🔗 MDN - Dynamic Typing: 🔗 MDN - Type Coercion: ⚙ Web Dev Tools: 🔗 Chrome Browser: 🔗 Visual Studio Code (VS Code): 🔗 & npm: 🔗 Live Server VS Code Extension: Was this Typescript Functions basics tutorial helpful? If so, please share. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. #typescript #functions #tutorial
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