Why We Love To Sing In a Choir | EVA 2021

Eligible for the Public Vote for the European Video Award 2021, conducted by the Youth Committee of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat. Choral project “Synergy of Music and Entrepreneurship“ funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. This educational project involved 160 children from elementary schools who worked together to develop social and emotional skills through music, entrepreneurship and music therapy workshops. As a result, a video was created in which the participants cheerfully explained why they love to sing in a choir. The video was created by the I...nstitute for Choral Music Polifonija, Osijek, Croatia with the following partners: Center for Entrepreneurship, Center for Autism, Elementary School Višnjevac, Elementary School Darda, Elementary School Fran Krsto Frankopan, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek and Eco center Zlatna Greda. More about the European Video Award: ​ Check out the full playlist!
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