Top Ten: Demons

Demons have been a major part of Supernatural almost since the very beginning, so I felt the need to create a video just for them. It wasn’t easy coming up with them. Not because there were so many, but because there wasn’t as many as one might think that were really noteworthy. Plus there was the whole debate of who played who better. But I think I got it down alright. Speaking of who played who better, for those of you who aren’t familiar with the show and are wondering what the hell the 1.0 or 3.0 or whatever is by their name. The thing about demons is that because they can possess people, a demon who shows up more than once is usually played by a different actor/actress each time. So hence the 1.0, 2.0, etc... My friend suggested that maybe I add a section for why I made the choices I did, so here it is: 10) Ruby 1.0: I chose her because I actually did like Ruby, even Genevieve’s Ruby, but Katie was admittedly the stronger actress of the two main gals.
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