BillyTalent Playlists - Adam Gontier

“I’ve always had a HUGE amount of respect for Billy Talent. Not only are they really awesome dudes, and solid down to earth guys, but their musicianship is second to none. When we, Three Days Grace, were finally getting some attention from record labels, and playing showcase shows in Toronto, at the same time, so was Billy Talent. Both our bands ended up signing a development deal with EMI publishing, Mike McCarty, at basically the same time. So our bands sort of “took off” at the same time. That was a really cool thing. We had the same ‘musical family’ if you will. I always viewed them as industry ‘brothers’. Their music is so unique, Ben’s voice is iconic and incomparable, and Ian’s guitar playing constantly amazes me. They have written some of my favorite riffs of all time. No question. So much talent. I consider myself lucky to know these guys, and to have had the chance to listen to them from the beginning and watch them grow. But I consider myself even luckier to call them friends.
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