A Visit to the Throne of YHWH God in Heaven

The only Book in the whole world which reveals the Throne Room of God is the Holy Bible. Where can you find the privilege to take a glimpse of the Throne of Most Holy God? During the time of Prophet Moses, the Priest could only enter the Holy of Holies with all the ceremonial law duly complied. Today Lord Jesus Christ had performed that ceremonial law in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago. That is why Lord Jesus allowed Apostle John to see the Throne Room of GOD. And we are the privileged people to see what Apostle John described it to us. Rev 22:7 “And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.“ Rev 22:10 And he said to me, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
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