Amateur Athletic Association championships at White City (1949)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Athletes compete at Amateur Athletic Association championships on rainy day at White City Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Hammersmith & Fulham: White City Stadium: EXT McDonald Bailey (RUNNER) Wins 100 yards sprint at . Championships at White City in pouring rain BURGHLEY, Lord & Lady. Presents trophy to Donald Finlay when he wins 120 yards hurdles again at . Meeting. D.O. FINLAY Wins 120 yards hurdles again at White City for last time. Lord Burghley presents him with trophy WHITE CITY . Championships. MacDonald Bailey wins 100 yards sprint while Donald Finlay again wins 120 yards hurdles. Lord Burghley seen presenting trophy to Don Finlay Amateur Athletic Association; Sport spectators, race, racing, run, hurdler, athetics, track, running, winner, win Background: Athletes compete at Amateur Athl
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