This is how I made some over-engineered drink coasters.
I used (and paid for) laser cutting services through SendCutSend, and they were great. If you want to try them out, you can use the link:
Doing so helps out my channel.
If you would like to buy an isogrid drink coaster, Ihave a limited number available on my website (accurate as of 10/31). Store page:
Note: Some of the machining marks may look different from the coasters seen in the video as I’ve since iterated on the toolpaths.
Video clips shown in the beginning:
@smartereveryday - How Rockets are Made
@EverydayAstronaut - Rocket Engine Cycles
@scottmanley Rocket Fuel Injectors - Things Kerbal Space Program Doesn’t Teach
Also, for the record, Tim Dodd is awesome and I have no issues with full flow staged combustion being taught in diagram form. I just wish there were places that showed how the proverbial rocket engine sausage was actually made, ITAR be damned...
0:00 Intro
1:44 CAD
5:21 Laser Cutting FTW
7:57 CAM
11:32 Making Chips
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I also produce videos for Carbide3D:
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