EDGE | Star Citizen Machinima | ENG, FRA, GER, SPAN, RUS sub

ENG: ⚠️ Before watching this film we are strongly recommend you to watch our previous film “MISFIRE“ for a more complete understanding of the events taking place in it: ▶️ Annotation: A former mercenary from a secret UEE unit, after being seriously wounded, he lived a quiet bachelor life for two years, and he didn’t even think that one call could put him on the line between life and death. ▶️ Our film has English, French, German and Russian subtitles. Turn on subtitles in the YouTube player menu ⚙️ ▶️ This movie was made between 2020 and 2022 during the release of 3.9 to updates. Some parts may be of poorer quality than we would like. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy watching. RUS: ⚠️ Перед просмотром этого фильм настоятельно рекомендуем посмотреть фильм «MISFIRE» для более полного понимания просиходящих в фильме событий: ▶️ Аннотация: Бывший наёмник из секретного подразделения UEE, после тяжёлого ранения, два года жил спокойной хо
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