Lying alone on the highway, he was heartbroken when people tried to ignore him

Bruno a dog about 8 years old was found on the highway Bucharest-Pite stiri Russia. He laid shivering on a lawn and appeared to have a problem in one of his legs. I hope it was not broken. I did not know how long Bruno was lying there, it was the middle of the night I needed to take him home and would go to the vet the next morning. the boy was under general anesthesia. General blood tests, CT scans were done, The doctors concluded that he did not have a fracture, but that he had boneworms. That disease would make Bruno’s nervous chain go out of control. Manifested by constant shaking but nothing contagious, nothing hurt him. Sleep normally, walk alone, eat alone, need no medical attention, sway. The boy had been vaccinated, spa and sterilized. I brought him to my house to live with other dogs. I realized that he likes being outside. no matter how many years his house was on the highway. he was obedient, quiet, did not do nonsense. Every time he took a bath, he lai
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