Change To Win - Just A Game (1988)

In memory of OP Gabor72. The legendary mystery song, which was known as “Just A Game“ (Short “JAG“), was uploaded by user Gabor72 on december 22nd 2018 to the website WatZatSong together with another hundred of songs by the same user. It was the only remain song by the user, which got great attention around the lostwave community in the 2020’s. Sadly, in 2024 it has been discovered that user Gabor72 has died. After long time Gabor’s daughter Dorka found the full song from her fathers’ archives and uploaded it on the internet. Shortly after this, a record name “Just A Game“ by the artist Chris...tof Bachmeier has been discovered n the copyright register. After contacting Christof, he confirmed that he was the singer behind the band, who created the song. Update - Completely solved by CubingCrusader, PersonOfDistraction, kitsu & Christof Bachmeier - Change To Win - Just A Game (1988) Full version of the song has been found by Gabor’
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