Python Tutorial for Beginners 7 - Creating and Executing your First Python Script (Run .py file)

In this video I am going to show How to Create, Save, Run a Python .py file. This video will also give the answer to the question which is , How do I run a Python program on a terminal or without any IDE/ Editor?. We an write Python scripts in text files with the suffix .py. First you need to save python codes in file? The scripts can be read by the interpreter in several ways: Examples: you can directly double click on you .py (e.g. ) file and it will open in the terminal. $ python # This will simply execute the script and return to the terminal afterwards $ python -i # The -i flag keeps the interpreter open after the script is finished running $ python execfile(’’) #PythonTutorialforBeginners #ProgrammingKnowledge #LearnPython #Py ... #ProgrammingKnowledge #Windows_10 #Python_(Programming_Language) #Python_3.6 #Python #Install_Python #Download # #Programming_Language_(Software_Genre) #Python_Tutorial 20180829 EYpOPmFPecs
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