Trust the lord always3 Numbers 20:12

Trust the lord always3 Numbers 20:12 But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them. As we examine numbers chapter 20 we see a point in Moses and Aaron’s life that I’m sure they felt they could have done without, in the Book of Numbers chapter 20 it was just about time for the nation of Israel to enter the Promised Land the people were again complaining about a lack of water as they had done 40 years earlier and Moses became upset with the people for their constant complaining and lack of trust in God. And something that the Lord just shared with me Moses was upset with the people for something they were struggling with 40 years earlier but he was also struggling with his temper and his anger that he struggled with 40 years earlier. That can be a very frustrating to leaders to see the people not seemingly progressing not seemingly getting better but to
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