Fear Effect (PS1) Gameplay

Check out my Five PS1 Games worth playing version 3 here: where I share my thoughts about this game. This is just a vid of the first ten minutes of Fear Effect on the PS1. I asked someone what they’d like to see footage of, and they said this game, so I obliged them. I really enjoyed this game. It’s definitely up there as far as good PS1 games go, and the most amazing thing about this game is that it came from Kronos of all developers. If you’ll remember Kronos was the team responsible for games like Crirticom, Dark Rift, and Cardinal Syn. This game is a testament to the fact that even developers who are known for making, substandard games, are quite capable of making something great. That’s why I never lose faith in even, seemingly, the worst developers out there, because even a blind squirrel finds a nut on occasion, and even developers who have never made a good game can turn it around and make something great. I’m an optimist when it comes to gaming. I reall
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