King of Kattegat | Bjrn Ironside | Vikings #shortclips

Vikings Season 5 Episode 20 : Ragnarok Ordinarily, we might now look to the victor and his spoils as the next phase of Ivar’s dethroning, but Bjorn and Hvitserk see this as their destiny. Free the people of Kattegat and remind them of what it’s like to be ruled by someone who truly is a man or woman of the people. Walking defiantly into Ivar’s main hall, they find the body of Freydis and immediately know what has occurred and the sacrifice she made. It’s a somber scene that runs the risk of putting a damper on the hard earned victory, but Hirst saves the best for last beginning with Olaf’s presentation of the flag to Bjorn. The symbolism is meaningful, but when Ubbe and Torvi appear unexpectedly followed by the sword bearing Lagertha, our expectations have been more than met. Does it get any better than this? Lagertha’s poignant message to King Alfred regarding his mother’s efforts to raise him to become a great king reverberate loudly as she hands her son the sword. “Here is the sword of kings. All hail Bjorn,” she proclaims to the cheering throng, and though her warrior days may be behind her, the queen mother appears strong once again and ready to live out life under her son’s rule. #vikings #bjorn #veinpassion
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