Day 4: MOVEMENT: 30 min SLOW + STEADY FULL BODY WORKOUT (NO EQUIPMENT) with Kit Rich #revivereset

Welcome to the REVIVE AND RESET 5 day challenge with Kit Rich. This routine is the Day 4 MOVEMENT part of the challenge. It can be done as a separate routine or as part of the challenge. To learn more about the challenge, please see below. Day 4: Movement A slow and steady full body routine integrating different fitness modalities and concepts. It is intended to work the entire body, strengthen, and equipment needed. Some modifications provided. The REVIVE AND RESET challenge is meant to focus your energy and your mind while being consistent with working out. Here’s how the challenge works and it’s super simple! 1) REVIVE: Every morning for 5 days you perform the 10 minute REVIVE routine. 2) MOVEMENT: Perform your designated workout (Day 1-Day 5) whenever you can throughout the day. 3) RESET: Every evening for 5 days, finish your day (ideally right before bed) with the RESET routine. It is an 11 minute gentle stretch and gratitude practice preparing yo
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