“I long for my home in Heaven“ - a warm & nostalgic duet by Gospel group The Wanderers(Eng. Subs.)

Every true Christian should be eager to go to heaven at any moment. I certainly do, because I know that: “Neither eye has seen, nor ear has heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, what God has prepared for those who love Him!“ 1 Corinthians 2:9 And the apostle Paul, having caught a glimpse of heaven, had a strong desire to leave this world of wars, hatred, and persecution behind, but he felt that the young church was still frail & needed his guidance and support during the especially brutal Roman persecution. So he decided to stay to establish her stronger, “For to me death is gain, and life is Christ!“ Phil 1:21 We all strive for a heavenly home, but while we are in this world, let’s be busy preaching the Gospel & living the sanctified life full of good works.
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