This Digger In Egypt Looking For The Tomb Of Cleopatra Discover A Hidden Tunnel Under Egypt

This digger in Egypt looking for the tomb of Cleopatra discover a hidden tunnel under Egypt. This digger in Egypt found a hidden underground tunnel. Far beneath a temple in the ancient ruins of Taposiris Magna, a city on the Egyptian coast, archaeologists made an incredible discovery. They uncovered a tunnel which is being referred to as the Geometric Miracle. Kathleen Martinez from the University of Santo Domingo uncovered the structure when searching for the lost tomb of Cleopatra. The tunnel was 13 metres below the ground, 2 metres tall, and roughly 1,3000 metres long. It was built into sandstone and boasts some exceptional engineering brilliance to pull it off. It has been compared to the Eupalinos tunnel on the Greek island of Samos, which is equally large and impressively designed. Thank you for watching! Thank you to for the background music!
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