Sons of Fenris - Þurisawulfaz blōðisōjanan

Taken from the upcoming album “Þurh Mihstoz af Khalijaewhaz“ -recorded in 2009. Delayed by various reasons it’s now planned to be released on DigiBok-CD, in collaboration between Scythe of Death Productions (SWE), Ætergap Productions (SWE) and Final Agony (USA); during the autumn of 2016. Line-up on recording: Werewolf : Guitars, bass and vocals S. (. 2011): drums ________________ Þurisawulfaz blōðisōjanan Werewolf (May 2009) Embraced by dark lights Practice of ancestral Galdr Blood and invocations under the Wihawulfaz sign Black heart drums, deep trance state Astral travel Gloomy winds and rotten trees Impenetrable fog and drops of venom Black rocks and bloody rivers 9 devoted calls reverberate throught its spirits Isarnaharaþaz wulfōz, Ik hrōpan jiz! Bisetjan mez! Ik wesan sem meþ jiz Iswara gripulaugam ist minaz! Wihaþurisawulfaz bloþaz, Frīhalsjan mīnaz reikiwōdaz! Wihaþurisawulfaz bloþaz, Frīhalsjan mīnaz gripulawōdaz! Beyond the cosmic realms Deep connections with Beasts Innergate - Outside gate Wrathful Rage of Þurisawulfaz Transform the several bodies and set the devastating hunt in motion
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