The Canadian (Black Watch) Army Band walks through Complex-Desjardins on Oct 7 2019 and later play at the same spot where there was very high, dangerous background radiation 10 days later on Oct 17 2019 (TERRORISM). No Police Report, no Police Ethics violation,. RCMP apparently not aware of any radiological weapon terrorism attack to this day (2023). Ongoing Gov and Police corruption, RCMP jurisdiction issue, radiological and sonic weapon terrorism, that dates back to 2010-2011 in my case.
Notably Oct 21 2011 Superior Court Honorable France Charbonneau (Appeal, Abuse Of Process: non-criminal
...responsibility before and radiological weapons); Public Safety Minister 2014 No plan to legislate city police radiological weapon competence; Dec 23 2015 Superior Court Honorable Arcand per Police Law cannot force Police to take complaints (radiological weapon terrorism);.., “not competent for weapon type“ “no equipment“ - RCMP St-Pierre and Potvin 2016; PM Trudeau and Wilson-Raybould 2017 Death Needle for terminal illness;.
Radiological and sonic weapons are used from neighboring apartments,.., city public transportation, universities, shopping centers, Provincial and Federal buildings, homeless shelters. (RCMP corruption, jurisdiction, #HumanTrafficking)
check out the channel, at the bottom, radiological weapon terrorism sectionShow more