FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL - JUSTIN PETERS & SO4J-TV / 10 Dangers of Extra-Biblical Revelations

★SO4J-TV ► & Justin Peters talk about “FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL - 10 DANGERS OF EXTRA-BIBLICAL REVELATIONS”, i.e. Why Claims of Afterlife Experiences from MANY so-called “Christian Books“ are NOT Reliable, in fact these MANY books & testimonies are Extra-Biblical (Rev 22:18-19) and UNbiblical. SO4J-TVs Martha Mac sat down with Justin Peters to talk about these so-called Visions of Heaven & Hell and to take Justin through: SO4J-TV’s Top 10 List of Dangers of these Claimed Visits to Heaven & Hell. This video is a WARNING to ALL to RUN from these dangerous False Extra-Biblical Visions & False Teachers to the True Gospel of Repentance & Faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15). Heaven & Hell is a Real place, but these so-called Christian Books of their many visions of Heaven & Hell are NOT real. ★Just because someone has a: Vision, Prophecy, & or Dream and it comes
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