A complete playthrough of the English translated version of Konami’s 1996 Sony PlayStation graphic adventure, Policenauts.
06:42 Prologue - Home
1:05:17 Act 1 - Beyond
4:30:18 Act 2 - Astronauts
7:18:02 Act 3 - Drug (Begin Disc 2)
8:41:00 Act 4 - Organ
8:55:45 Act 5 - Lunar
9:35:26 Act 6 - Biomort
10:10:27 Act 7 - Duel
10:43:47 Epilogue - Nauts
What an incredible game! Many thanks to the guys that did the fan translation of the game, I really enjoyed the work. Between the heavy story, the really nicely done graphics with full animated scenes punctuating the action, the massive amount of well-done voice over recordings, and a story line that doesn’t let up on the dramatics until the very end, Policenauts is easily as good of a game as Snatcher is.
I’m don’t think I can say whether Snatcher or Policenauts is the better game, but when they’re both as great as they are, why do you need to choose? Hi
12 months ago 10:56:52 13
Policenauts (PS1) Playthrough - NintendoComplete
2 years ago 00:52:00 1
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