LINBERGH COL.: Charles Lindbergh Braves weather in hop to Mexico (1927)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video Roll Title: Lindberg flies 2,000 miles to Mexico:140ft Aeroplanes: Lindbergh Braves weather in hop to Mexico. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION Lindbergh braves stormy weather on 2,000 mile non-stop hop to Mexico. (Intr) Intrepid pilot starts goodwill flight from a soggy field. . GV aircraft, the “Spirit of St. Louis“ wheeled out from hangar LS aircraft being pushed along aerodrome followed by crowd of people SV men pushing plane along ground TITLE: Lindy surveys the Spirit of St. Louis with Major Harvey S. Burwell, commandant of Bolling Field. MV Lindbergh talking to Burwell and other officers SV aircraft pushed along, tail first TITLE: The renowned “nus“ is refuelled for the long trip SV, GV men pouring fuel into aircraft TITLE: In his aviation suit ready to new honours out of the sky. SV Lindbergh opens doors of aircraft CU C
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