I thought it would be fun to help you learn English by doing an English lesson downtown. So I went to my local town and made this video where I will teach you some English words and phrases for things you would find downtown.
Along the way you’ll even see and hear some birds! I think Spring is just around the corner!
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
Bob the Canadian
P.O. Box 419
Smithville, Ontario
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Hi Bob the Canadian here. Let’s learn English downtown!
Hi Bob the Canadian here. If this is your first time here and you’re learning English don’t forget to click the subscribe button down below and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it’s helping you learn English.
Hey Bob the Canadian here. I thought that we would take some time today to learn some English downtown. Downtown is how we describe the parts of a town or city where it originally started. So this is the downtown area of my local town. And it has a lot of things for us to look at and along the way I’ll teach you a little bit of English. So this is downtown Dunnville!
So in a downtown area you’ll find sidewalks, you’ll see a sidewalk over here. Where the sidewalk meets the road is what we call the curb. So this right here is the curb. It’s a little hard to see because of all the snow. And then usually on each side of the street you’ll see what we call parking spaces or a parking spot. In some towns there will be a small meter, a parking meter where you can put money in in order to pay for the parking spot, but in this town, yeah you can see the lines right here, you’re allowed to park on each side of the street for free. So that’s kind of cool!
The parking areas that you find in a downtown area sometimes have a sign that tells you what the parking rules are. So this parking spot says you can park from 8AM to 2AM but only for 2 hours. And above that it says it’s a snow route from November 15th to April 15th and you’re not allowed to park there from 2AM to 8AM. That’s to let the snow plows come through and clear out the snow.
Another thing you’ll see in a downtown area are storefronts. So you can see along the other side of the road there that there’s a number of stores and if I turn around you can see behind me there’s also a row of storefronts. So storefronts usually have of course the entrance, let me see if I can find an entrance here, this green door is an entrance, but they also have their front display window.
You’ll find all sorts of different stores in a downtown area. In this downtown there’s a music store, there’s a sweets shop where you can buy candies, there’s a couple of restaurants. Across the street there’s a jewelry store, there’s a bank, and there’s also an electronics store. So generally in a downtown area you can find almost any kind of store you want. When I look across the street I see a shoe store, I see a drug store, and two more banks. I guess banks are important because you can get money to go buy something.
Another nice thing about downtown is you usually have streetlights. You can see along this street here there are a few streetlights and there’s one above me as well. I’ll give you a closer look at it. You can see that these streetlights are still decorated for Christmas. But the nice thing about a downtown is it has streetlights, it has the storefronts, and at night you can come down and do a little bit of shopping because there’s lots of light.
#englishlesson #speakenglish #learnenglish
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