Fullmetal Alchemist - Bratja (Sing-Along)

Lyrics in english: Forgive me, younger brother! I am so guilty before you. It is forbidden to try to regain That which the land has taken. He who knows the Law of Genesis, Would have helped me to find the answer. I was cruelly mistaken: There is no medicine against death. Dear mama! How tender! We so loved you. But all our strength Was for naught. I tempted you With wonderful hope To regain our family hearth. My brother, I am guilty in everything. Dont cry, dont be saddened, older brother! You are not the guilty one. We have but one road, We will atone for this guilt til the end. I dont accuse you of anything. And I am not offended in the least. A burden, our sin Of wanting to be stronger in everything. Dear mama! How tender! We so loved you. But all our strength Was for naught. I myself was tempted With wonderful hope To regain our family hearth. I myself am guilty in everything. But what are we to do, how to be? How to repair everything, how to forget? It is forbidden to try to regain, That which t
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