Snuggelina - Kiss Me, Hold Me, Love Me (English)

Snuggelina performing Kiss Me Hold Me Another cute bunny song :-) German title: Schnuffelienchen - Küss mich, halt mich, lieb mich This is not a Your Favorite Martian music video Get Snuggelina on your phone: Send a text message with the word SNG to 75555 *Under 18 need parental consent. Subscribers certify they are account holder or have account holder’s permission, and agree to these terms, full terms and privacy policy at . $ per month for Jamster Plan (20 credits to use for ringtones/videos, graphics and games/apps) until cancellation. Games/apps not available on Verizon Wireless or Virgin Mobile. Not supported on all cell phones. Charges appear on cell phone bill or deducted from pre-paid balance. Carrier message and data rates may apply. To cancel, text “STOP“ to 75555. For help, text “HELP“ to 75555, email info@ or call (866) 856-5267. You love Snuggle Bunny, Schnuffel and want more cute bunny soсыффффффюячд вьцшущсвыююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююююю
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