Customize the Fit of a Hexagon Cardigan w/ Extensions [CAMPFIRE CARDIGAN]

In Part 2 of the Campfire Cardigan crochet tutorial, we learn how to add extensions to certain sides of the hexagons to customize the fit of the bust. This is *the* trick for getting the perfect chest fit without ending up with giant sleeves. 0:00 Intro 0:29 What’s a hexagon “extension“? 1:04 Use these concepts with any crochet stitch 1:55 Labeling the hexagon sides 2:41 Modifications for left-handed crocheters 3:42 Which hexi sides to lengthen 4:40 Alternating Right Side/Wrong side 6:05 Extension Row 1 7:58 Extension Row 2 and beyond 10:26 Tips for trying on hexagons and adjusting fit Grab ...the Campfire Cardigan kit from Lion Brand: Adult size kit - Child size kit - Get the free Campfire Cardigan pattern: Purchase the printable pattern PDF:
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