Transcendental Meditation - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Lake Louise, Canada, 1968

Transcendental Meditation explained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at Lake Louise, Canada 1968. This historic talk brings understanding to the nature of inner life. Maharishi says that practicing the Transcendental Meditation Technique is a way to help dissolve stresses and to quickly enjoy life to the maximum. Transcript: Maharishi: “The depth of the lake, and the ripples, and the beautiful reflection of the glacier, reminds me of the story of inner life. The mind is deep like a lake, the ripples on the surface represent the conscious mind, the activity of the mind on the surface. And the wh...ole depth of the lake is silent and that is the sub conscious mind which is not used by the wave. But if, the wave could deepen, and incorporate more silent levels of the water, the waves could become the waves of the ocean - the mighty waves. This is what happens in Transcendental Meditation. The surface activity of the conscious mind deepens and incorporates within its fold the depth of the sub conscious. Nothing remains sub conscious the whole sub conscious becomes conscious and a man starts using the full potential of the mind. And the reflection of the glacier on the water is like the impression that the objects of the mind perceives and as long as the mind is not capable of maintaining its essential nature which is bliss consciousness, so long the mind gets imprinted by the perceptions of the objects and this is called the bondage of the mind...“ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi goes on to say: “...Such a life where the value of the matter dominates is called material life and the spirit gets annihilated. But when through the practice of Transcendental Meditation the mind goes deep within to the source of thought, transcends the thought and gains bliss consciousness and is capable of maintaining that, even when it comes out into the worldly experiences of objective nature, then it is called spiritual life. That the spirit is not capable of being overshadowed anymore by the objective experience and this is spiritual life, this is life in eternal liberation and without this life is in bondage...“ Maharishi: “...What is needed is the bliss out of Transcendental Meditation, the joy, the happy mood. If all the population of the people could practice Transcendental Meditation they will enjoy all this nature to the maximum. We are going to create a society free from suffering and stress and strain and then really the gift of God on Earth, such pretty nature, will be enjoyed by everyone.“ Lake Louise, Canada was a very beautiful place for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to give this profound lecture... *Documentary by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) 1968
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