This Ball’s A Riot Aka Lord Taverner’s Ball (1959)

Title reads: “This ball’s a riot!“ Lord Taverner’s Ball, Grosvenor House, London. L/S ball room crowded with couples dancing. C/U actor Kenneth More dancing. C/U former boxer Freddie Mills seated at table with water jug in one hand half-full with beer and a bottle in the other. M/S Duke of Edinburgh (Prince Philip) preparing to start comedy go-cart race. C/U band leader Joe Loss and t.v. personality Bernard Braden. M/S Richard Hearne walking on to race circuit dressed as comic character Mr. Pastry. Freddie Mills follows, shadow boxing. M/S cricketer Godfrey Evans walking onto circuit. Duke drops flag, competitors run to their cars. Hearne gets away, followed by Evans (with Richard Greene also on his car) and last comes Mills. M/S Duke laughing. Cars go past camera with comedian / actor Peter Sellers running alongside handing food from a tray to Godfrey Evans. C/U Jack Hawkins looking amazed, he drinks straight from a wine bottle. M/S Duke putting winner’s laurels around Richard Hearne’s h
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