How AI is transforming the creative industries | The Economist

Artificial intelligence is helping humans make new kinds of art. It is more likely to emerge as a collaborator than a competitor for those working in creative industries. Film supported by Mishcon de Reya Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter: Find our most recent science and technology coverage: Listen to Babbage, The Economist’s science and technology podcast: Read The Economist’s special report on how non-tech businesses are beginning to use artificial intelligence at scale: Read The Economist’s technology quarterly report on virtual realities: The Word in 2021: Does automation or software bring job losses? Can humanity uphold individuality in the algorithmic age? How can computer simulations help shape economic policy? Find out how computers increasingly call the shots in financial markets: Who is winning in the battle to control artificial intelligence? Why are people so afraid of artificial intelligence? How contemporary artists explored the dark side of Silicon Valley:
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