Solar Panels and Shade | Bypass Diodes

********************************************************** Get quotes for solar panels in Ireland: ********************************************************** How does shade affect solar panels? To understand how shade affects solar panels, we first need to understand how solar panels work. At the heart of every solar panel are dozens of solar cells. Each of these cells produces a little bit of electricity when light falls on it. To increase the power output, solar panel manufacturers daisy-chain a whole load of these cells, usually about 60. The power output of solar cells will drop if they get shaded. The good news is that as long as the cells are equally shaded, they will continue to work in harmony. While they won’t produce as much power as they might in full sun, the cells will make the most of the light that’s available. This way, they can continue to produce a worthwhile, albeit reduced amount of power. But what if only some of the cells get sh
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