The Telegram channel “Russian Engineer” writes: “About what appears to be an accident in the Kiev metro, with the closure of 6 m

The Telegram channel “Russian Engineer” writes: “About what appears to be an accident in the Kiev metro, with the closure of 6 metro stations. On our part, they mostly comment sarcastically on this, saying that it is their own fault. Meanwhile, there is an opinion from there, from a fairly high-ranking source, that this very skillful information manipulation in order to cover up the use of these stations for military purposes. Perhaps a command post for command and control, or new bunkers for the top of the regime, or warehouses for the most important military equipment, or a little of everything. We are trying to clarify such details, so anyone who is ready to help us on the other side and at the same time secure a future for themselves in their native land can get in touch through my bot I guarantee the security of correspondence.“ Источник: Victor vicktop55
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